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RSO Medical Use

RSO helps fight against several life threatening illnesses like cancer in its many forms. Some examples are colon cancer, tongue cancer, throat cancer, bladder cancer. Moreover, it helps fight against epilepsy, nerve and back pain, anxiety and depression, panic attacks, HIV, Anemia and more

Cannabis Oil Buy Rick Simpson Oil

Buy rick simpson oil online from RSO Shop. Rick simpson oil is a cannabis oil which is tested and proven efficient for cancer patients. Our store supplies RSO to many recovery and marijuana / cannabis medical and recreational centers. The reviews from the consumers and our partners have made us a good reputation in this domain. We sell Rick Simpson Oil to patients who order from various countries round the world. Our Store is located in the United states of America. However, we deliver to (order rso from) UK, Australia, Cannada, Europe and all states in the US (buy rso colorado).

RSO Administration & Dosage

Rick Simpson Oil is administered by INGESTION only Not intended for smoking/vaping/dabbing. The dosage vary depending on the reasons you take it for, but generally, it comes in doses of 10mg, 15mg. RSO oil cost $300 averagely depending on the dosage.

Delivery Services

You can now buy rso oil online and deliver to your door step. To buy RSO near me, I research for rso shop. Order the required dose and request for home deliver. Ricksimpsonoil shop delivers at you door step within 24 to 72 hours.

Read a few RSO Oil Success stories

Our customers and partners keep us on high regards and we are happy to serve you all. Bellow, you can read a few testimonial success stories of the RSO oil.

Buy RSO Online

Buy RSO online from Rick Simpson oil supply to solve you health problems. We offer to you the opportunity to consult with our expert about your issues. RSO is which stands for Rick Simpson Oil. Rick Simpson oil is a cannabis oil extract whose name originates from the activist Rick Simpson. The Canadian engineer who worked in the years 1997 at a hospital, period during which had an accident. After the accident, he suffered dizziness, severe headache and migraines combined with trauma. He attempted multiple treatments which either increase the symptom or make them worse.

After documenting himself about positive benefits of medical cannabis. Simpson extracted cannabis of his own and saw significant improvements in his condition. A few years later Simpson noticed three suspicious bumps on his arm that would turn out to be Basal Cell Carcinoma, a form of skin cancer. He turned back to the cannabis plant for his treatment after hearing about studies that found THC positively impacted certain forms of cancer cells. He used cannabis oil as treatment for 4 days by applying concentrate cannabis oil to a bandage and leaving the spots covered. After 4 days of treatment, Simpson removed the bandages and was in shock to find that the growths had disappeared.

Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) is a cannabis oil product, developed by a Canadian medical marijuana activist.


Rick Simpson is a Canadian engineer who worked at a hospital in Canada in 1997. Simpson had an accident in which he knocked his head and he would suffer from dizzy spells and ringing in his head for years, with prescribed medication having no little or no effect, and in some cases made the symptoms even worse.

After seeing a documentary highlighting the positive benefits of medical cannabis, Simpson sourced cannabis of his own accord and saw significant symptomatic improvement after his doctor refused to consider cannabis as a course of treatment. A few years later Simpson noticed three suspicious bumps on his arm that would turn out to be basal cell carcinoma, a form of skin cancer. After successfully treating his symptoms in the past with cannabis, he turned back to the cannabis plant for his treatment after hearing about a study from the Journal of the National Cancer Institute that found THC impacted certain forms of cancer cells in mice.

For four days he treated his skin cancer topically, applying concentrated cannabis oil to a bandage and leaving the spots covered. When Simpson removed the bandages he was in shock to find that the growths had disappeared. While his doctor refused to acknowledge cannabis as an alternative treatment option, Simpson was now a true believer in medical cannabis.

It was from there on out that Simpson began cultivating his own cannabis and creating his own specialized form of cannabis concentrate, now known as Rick Simpson Oil (RSO).

Where to buy rick simpson oil

You can buy rick simpson oil (rso) onlinefrom the official sales website for Rick Simpson’s cannabis extract. The informative site tells you most about Simpson and this store was created to purchase and inquire about the RSO products.

You can read more about the benefits of RSO (rick simpson oil) at the official website of Rick Simpson. However, RSO is said to treat:

  • Cancer
  • Pain
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Inflammation
  • High blood pressure
  • Depression
  • Insomnia 


Rick Simpson Oil 

Buy 10mg of Rick Simpson oil at $300 and pay for your shipping fees. You can order now and request for overnight delivery or a 3 days delivery. We are fast, secure and reliable. Our reputation and your needs are our priorities. the customer service is available 24/7 for you.

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Current price is: $1,700.00. Original price was: $1,750.00.


Current price is: $6,000.00. Original price was: $6,300.00.